lauantai 3. marraskuuta 2012

Chelsea M. Cameron: My Favorite Mistake

“I don't like you. I don't like how your hair smells, and how I can't stop thinking about waking up and seeing your face. I hate how my bed felt empty when you left. I don't like how good you were with my family, especially Harper, and how I wanted to see you with them again, but not just as a guest. As a member. You're right. I don't like you at all.” 

Jälleen yksi löytö Goodreadsista, ja nopea luku-urakka iphonen avustuksella. Ja tällä kertaa kirja todellakin hyötyi suositteluista, näin rumalla kannella varustettua kirjaa en olisi koskaan omatoimisesti valinnut.

Juonta Goodreadsin sivuilta:

Taylor Caldwell can't decide if she wants to kiss her new college roommate or punch him.

On the one hand, Hunter Zaccadelli is a handsome, blue-eyed bundle of charm. On the other, he's a tattooed, guitar-playing bundle of bad boy. Maybe that's why Taylor's afraid of falling in love with him, or anyone else. She doesn't want to get burned, and even though her other roommates adore him, she wants him gone before it's too late.

Hunter himself has been been burned before, but the fact that Taylor calls him out on his crap and has the sexiest laugh ever make him decide maybe love isn't a lost cause. They make a bet: if she can convince him she truly loves or hates him, he'll leave the apartment--and leave her alone. The problem is, the more time they spend together, the less she hates him, and the more she moves toward love.

But when the man who holds the key to Taylor's fear of giving up her heart resurfaces and threatens to wreck everything, she has to decide: trust Hunter with her greatest secret, or do everything in her power to win that bet and drive him away forever.

“I want you. Right now. If you said yes, I would kiss you. I would kiss you until we both forgot that lips were made for anything other than kissing. I'd take you out of that outfit, as cute as it is. I want to see what you look like with nothing on. I want to make you sigh like you did with the cake. I want to be with you. Right now.” 

Vedonlyönti toi vahvasti mieleen Beautiful Disasterin. Tatuoitu lihaksikas mies toi mieleen Beautiful Disasterin. Komeudestaan itsevarma playboy toi mieleen Beautiful Disasterin. Neitsyeksi säilynyt itsevarma naispäähenkilö toi mieleen Beautiful Disasterin. Pakotettu yhdessäasuminen toi mieleen Beautiful Disasterin. Lista voisi jatkua varsin pitkään.

Yhtäläisyyksiä siis löytyi jonkun verran, samoin kuin tietysti college-ympäristö. Mutta pidin hirmuisesti Beautiful Disasterista, joten pidin myös My Favorite Mistakesta. Juonessa on ajoittain epäuskottavia kohtia, mutta kirja oli juuri passelin kevyt harjoittelun jälkeiseksi lauantaikevennykseksi.

Ai niin, tästäkin on tulossa tulevaisuudessa miehen näkökulmasta kirjoitettu versio. Tässä on nyt jotain muoti-ilmiön tuntua =D

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